Our programs provide health services for some of the County's most vulnerable populations: infants, children, teens , pregnant women, and mothers.
Together, we work to....
- Improve birth outcomes and prevent infant deaths
- Support safe homes and transportation
- Offer nutrition education and food vouchers
- Prevent repeat teen pregnancies
- Coordinate health and medical services for kids and mothers
Referrals for Health Programs & Care
If you live in San Joaquin County, please call (800) 698-2304.
This program provides social support, education classes, case management, referral and assistance into care for eligible high-risk families and infants up to one year of age..
For information and/or referrals, contact:
(209) 468-3004
CCS is a statewide program that arranges, directs, and pays for medical care, equipment, and rehabilitation when these services are authorized by the program. Services can be authorized for children and young adults under 21 years of age, who have a CCS eligible medical condition. Anyone can refer a child to CCS including a parent, teacher, or physician.
(209) 468-3900
More Information about CCS Services
- Medical Therapy Program - CCS (PDF)
- Medical Therapy Program Brief - CCS (PDF)
- Overview of Physical Therapy Services at SJC PHS California Children’s Services Medical Therapy Program (video)
- Overview of Occupational Therapy Services at SJC PHS California Children’s Services Medical Therapy Program (video)
- Telemedicine: the changing face of health care - The Record (PDF)
- Grievance Fact Sheet English | Spanish
See Also: CCS Medical Therapy Program
Nursing case management for children referred by providers with high levels of lead in their blood; education services for families, community groups and health care providers.
(209) 468-2593, or visit the CLPPP website
Healthy Families focuses on building and nurturing parent-child relationships and interactions. Our Family Support Specialists provide in-home and virtual visits.
Eligibility criteria: pregnant or those who have an infant less than 3 months old.
(209) 468-3004
For more information, visit the Healthy Families America website.
What is HCPCFC?
Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care is a public health nursing program. The program is within the Department of Family and Children's Services. HCPCFC provides care coordination for medical, dental, psychotropic medications, and mental health services, for children in foster care.
What Do HCPCFC Public Health Nurses Do?
- Help families find a primary care provider
- Coordinate care for foster children to ensure access to needed services
- Manage the creation and update of the health and education passport
- Review incoming medical records to assess each child’s health needs
- Assist with the child’s foster care team to address health issue
- Provide support and health education for children in out-of-home placement
- Serve as a resource to social workers, parents, and community health partners
- Monitor approved psychotropic medications
Who is Eligible?
San Joaquin County's foster children with out of home placement.
Requirements for Physical Examination
Physical exams are a requirement for all children in foster care. Exams must be completed within 30 days of placement.
- Multiple checkups are necessary for foster children ages 0-36 months.
- Foster children over 3 years of age should receive a physical exam yearly
Requirements for Dental Examination
Dental exams are a requirement for all children in foster care after 12 months of age. Exams must be completed within 30 days of initial placement. Foster children should then receive dental exams every 6 months.
What To Bring To Your Appointment
- Health Contact Form for provider to fill out
- Health and Education Passport
- Vaccine (shot) record
- Medi-Cal card
- Any available health records
- List of questions and concerns
After each appointment, complete a Health Contact Form.
Turn in the completed form to HCPCFC via mail, email hsa-phn@sjgov.org or fax (209) 932-2638.
Local Contact Information
Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care
102 S. San Joaquin Street, Stockton, CA 95202
P.O. Box 201056
Phone: (209) 468-1408
Fax: (209) 932-2638
PEI is an innovative pregnancy and parenting support model for Black/ African American women in San Joaquin County and their partners. The program raises awareness of the health-related inequities facing Black/ African American women, leading to maternal and infant deaths. PEI is designed to complement current services offered through the Black Infant Health program.
(209) 468-3004
Related Information:
- PEI Flyer (PDF)
- PEI Brochure (PDF)
- Working Together to Reduce Black Maternal Mortality (CDC)
- Perinatal Equity Initiative (CDPH)
- Racial Disparities in US Maternal and Infant Mortality Rates (Psychology Today)
- Listening to Mothers in California (CA Health Care Foundation)
- Black Women's Maternal Health (National Partnership for Women & Families)
- Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System (CDC)
- Battling Over Birth: Black Women & the Maternal Health Crisis in CA (PDF) (BWBJ)
- Racial and Ethnic Inequities in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG)
Home visits for high risk families and infants for care referrals and coordination, developmental assessments and parent education.
(209) 468-3004
Supportive services, referrals, and education for families experiencing the death of an infant due to SIDS. To refer parents or families.
(209) 468-3004
WIC (Women, Infants and Children) is one of the nation’s largest supplemental federal nutrition programs – funded by a discretionary grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
The CDPH/WIC Division is authorized to administer California’s WIC Program. Within California, there are approximately 84 local agencies with more than 500 sites serving nearly 1 million participants each month throughout the State.
WIC helps families by providing nutrition education, breastfeeding support, healthy foods and referrals to health care and other community services. It further helps serve pregnant and post-partum women, newborn infants, and children under the age of 5.
In San Joaquin County, the WIC program is recognized under the title “San Joaquin County WIC Program".
We currently have two active locations and three satellite sites.
Contact | Main WIC Office:
620 N. Aurora St., Suite 2 (CalWorks )
Stockton, CA (landmark: CalWorks Building)
(209) 468-3280
Other Locations:
- (Active) 287 Spreckels Ave. Ste C-8, Manteca, CA. (209) 468-5473
- (Satellite) San Joaquin General Hospital – SJ Health Clinics wing, room 1102-B, 500 Hospital Rd., French Camp, CA (209) 468-5489
- (Satellite) SJC Behavioral Health Services Transcultural Clinic - 4422 N. Pershing Ave., Suite D5, Stockton, CA (209) 953-8865
- (Satellite) Dorothy L. Jones / CUFF Family Resource Center - 2044 Fair St., Stockton, CA (209) 444-5552