STOPP is committed to improving the retail environment across San Joaquin County (SJC), especially in underserved communities. Therefore, STOPP collaborates with the local CalFresh Healthy Living Program in the Refresh San Joaquin (Refresh) program. Refresh builds partnerships with local retailers to increase the purchase and intake of fruits and vegetables, while reducing unhealthy store advertising and products, such as tobacco.
To obtain more information about SJC’s retail environments, visit the Healthy Stores for Healthy Communities website.
Local Tobacco Retail Licensing (TRL)
STOPP supports county and city staff in adopting and implementing policies that improve public health, such as a tobacco retail license (TRL). A TRL is an effective way to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal tobacco laws, reduce youth access to tobacco, address oversaturation of tobacco retailers, and limit the negative public health effects associated with tobacco use. A TRL can also help reduce tobacco-related health inequities by countering the tobacco industry’s predatory marketing tactics of underserved communities. Comprehensive TRL policies can also allow jurisdictions to apply their own penalties if a retailer violates any law related to tobacco sales, such as selling to underage youth.
Reducing Youth Access to Tobacco
Although it has been illegal to sell tobacco products to youth in California since the early 1900’s, tobacco retailers continue to sell tobacco products to youth. Tobacco industry continues to manufacture products such as flavored tobacco products, to entice youth. In 2018, 82% of tobacco retailers in Stockton alone made tobacco sales to underage decoys (Young Adult Tobacco Purchase Report). Due to continuous illegal sales of tobacco products to youth, local governments have used a local TRL to further protect youth by prohibiting the sale of flavored tobacco products and restricting tobacco sales and advertising near youth sensitive areas, such as schools and parks.