Homebound COVID Vaccination Survey

San Joaquin County has nurse strike teams available to administer in-home COVID-19 vaccination for county residents that are homebound, their caregivers, and immediate household.

To qualify, a resident must live in San Joaquin County and self-attest that they are homebound. Homebound is defined as:

  1. You need the help of another person or medical equipment such as crutches, a walker, or a wheelchair to leave your home, or your doctor believes that your health or illness could get worse if you leave your home AND
  2. It is difficult for you to leave your home and you typically cannot do so

A caregiver is defined as family members, friends, or neighbors who provide unpaid assistance to a person with a chronic illness or disabling condition.

Household is defined as those who live with the homebound individual.

If you qualify for in-home COVID-19 vaccination, please fill out the survey below to be added to our contact list.

A caregiver or conservator may fill out the survey on behalf of the homebound individual. If the homebound individual is unable to consent, then someone authorized to make medical decisions on behalf of the individual must be present at the appointment to sign a consent form for COVID-19 vaccination.

Click here to fill out the survey